Consumer Reports
Smartphone Apps Can Sound as Good as a White-Noise Machine
A white-noise machine—which both blocks out distractions and provides soothing sounds—can be pricey, though, and is not especially portable. But you can enjoy the white-noise benefit with a free smartphone app. Read more

The Washington Post
Smartphone Puts Newborn to Sleep
For the next four months, the infant slept with his father’s iPhone in his crib and White Noise tuned to “air conditioner.” Read more

Tech Crunch
White Noise 7 – Instagram for Restful Sounds
The app now allows users to upload sounds from their lives and travels, share them on the White Noise Market and create perfect loops from these sound bites that are uninterrupted and seamless… Read more

Five free iPhone apps that can improve your life
Trouble falling asleep at night? A little white noise might do the trick. Just choose a sound… and set your iPhone on your nightstand. Read more

Today on NBC
Parents turn to cell phones as high-tech rattles
Now when his infant daughter gets fussy in the car or during a walk, he puts his iPhone in her carrier to play the free application called White Noise Lite. Read more

Dr. Oz Show
miracle for better sleep!
White Noise was featured in Dr. Oz’s 13 Miracles for 2013. The episode included various sleeping tips and recommended our White Noise app as a miracle for better sleep!

The California Sunday Magazine
The app that puts you to sleep
More than a million users a week started listening, and thousands of people wrote to request additional sounds to lull them to sleep. Read more

Health Magazine
the feel-better Iphone app
Choose a sound like crashing waves, falling rain, or even a purring cat—to help you turn off your brain, fall asleep faster, and get the rest you desperately need. Read more

PC World
three iphone apps you can’t live without
I have become addicted to falling asleep to White Noise. It’s soothing, and it blocks out ambient sounds. Read more

The best white noise machines of 2022
Best overall White Noise App. We liked the White Noise app for its ease of use, handy timers and alarms, and large selection of various types of sounds. You can download additional sounds in its marketplaces. Read more

New York Times
Newfound Use for the iPhone: Sleep Aid
…It offers a wide catalog of pacifying sounds, including crashing beach waves, drumming rain, the dull hum of a ceiling fan, chirping crickets and even the clanking of a moving train. The app comes with a handy timer and an alarm so users can preset when their nighttime sounds should fade away and when they should be woken the following morning. Read more

7 Ways to Cure ‘Entrepreneur Insomnia’
Falling asleep has a lot to do with telling your body that “It’s time for bed.” These triggers can be set off by lying in bed, turning off the lights or even re-creating the soothing sounds you need. I like using my phone to create white noise sounds (try iTunes’ White Noise app) to tune out any distracting sounds and trigger your mind to relax. Read more